About Us
The Georgia Men For Democracy Now grew out of a group of men who came together to hold a fundraiser for another organization in Atlanta, Georgia on February 22, 2024. We set a fundraising goal of $10,000 and far exceeded that amount with the fundraising goal being met before the event began. After this successful fundraiser, there was a clarion call from members of the fundraising committee to keep this group together for future work in the political arena. However, we did not have an idea of what iteration that this group of men would evolve into next.
The Chairman of the February Fundraising Committee, Dr. Kenneth Augustus Walker was on a trip abroad when it became clear to him that the next iteration of this group of men would be for them to form their own Political Action Committee in the state of Georgia and have a primary focus on state and local elections especially with the 2025 Georgia municipal and local elections on the horizon along with the 2026 Georgia and United States Senate races.
Upon returning to Atlanta, Dr. Walker called a meeting of the previous fundraising group on August 26, 2024 via Zoom. The group voted to unanimously officially organize "The Georgia Men For Democracy Now." Dr. Kenneth Augustus Walker became the Founding Chairman of the new PAC and he appointed Mr. Stephen Pearson as the Vice-Chairman and named the following men as members of the Executive Committee: Attorney Gregory T. Bailey (Co-Counsel), Attorney Eugene Felton (Co-Counsel), Mr. Bob Jones (Financial Secretary), Mr. Marshall Norwood (Secretary) Mr. Alan Wiley (Fundraising Chairman) and Mr, Duane Wright (Treasurer).
Our political action committee is registered with the Secretary of State in Georgia as well as with the Federal Election Commission in Washington, D. C.
The Georgia Men For Democracy Now Political Action Committee is currently filling committee positions. To date, Dr. Craig Logan serves as Chairman of the Healthcare Committee and Attorney Gregory T. Bailey Chairs the Criminal Justice Reform Committee. Other committee Chairmanships will be filled in the very near future.
Mission Statement for Georgia Men for Democracy Now Incorporated:
Our mission is to mobilize resources and advocate for candidates who are dedicated to preserving and promoting leadership that prioritizes inclusivity, accountability, and the protection of fundamental rights, ensuring that democracy remains strong and accessible for all.
Vision Statement for Georgia Men for Democracy Now Incorporated:
To champion and sustain a democratic society where every voice in Georgia is heard, valued, and empowered. We are committed to supporting candidates for state, local, and federal office who uphold the principles of equality, justice, and transparency, ensuring that democracy thrives for all people, now and in the future.